The inspiration for this piece was a big ziplock bag of torn up crayola wrappers and personal experience as a dog owner and friend. The dog is handmade paper using leftover scraps of colored construction paper mixed with some raw pulp and a bit of dye where needed.
Your dog ate your crayons?!
Did he turn atomic orange or shocking pink? What a delightful inspiration!
That is one colourful crapper. Very creative use of those leftover materials we all hate to throw out.
Love the dipdic dog! Great work on the paper making too! ~S
This has brought back a long forgotten childhood memory, of seeing a 'doggy do' in the gutter, with orange crayons in it!
Oh how I wish I hadn't remembered that image!!!! :¬|
That's so funny!
I love this piece.You are a multi-talented multimedia guy!
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