A couple of years ago I stopped back in my home town for a day while on my way to New Haven. It was the first time I'd been there in nearly 20 years and I couldn't believe how much it had changed. Most of my old landmarks had been knocked down and built over, but what really shocked me was my old elementary school. It hadn't been torn down, replaced or remodeled. Just boarded up and left to nature. There were weeds filling the front courtyard that were as high as the roof.
This collection of photos by Rob Dobi consists of other buildings in New England that have been left to decay. Their beauty makes me wish I could go back to my old school with his eyes and a camera.
That's interesting. I took a trip back to my old neighborhood in Denver, which I hadn't seen in 30 years... and it looked exactly the same as it had before. In fact it had even moved upscale a bit.
Probably because it wasn't that far a commute to downtown. But it was nice to see it still so unchanged...
Rob captured some beautiful images in the rubble. Sorry to see the war-zone look of the old hood.
Great pics. I wish Rob's were bigger on his site. That's it Patrick, next time we see each other we're going to go visit some interesting old sites and take some pics. Actually we've got some good ones in Huntington. :)
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