Thursday, August 23, 2012

Have Book Will Travel!

For the last couple of weeks I've been having a great time thinking up spot art for the Illinois Library Association's iREAD® Summer reading project for next year. This time their theme is "Have Book Will Travel."
And they were kind enough to let me throw in a couple of robots just for fun.


Nancy A said...

Love them all!

Mary Uhles said...

really great concepts!

TsipiLevin said...

Great illustrations! love the Easter Island statues :)

Tony LaRocca said...

Yes, but what happens when anyone wants to read it? (great idea btw)

Marion Eldridge said...

These are fabulous, Patrick! All great!

Diane Mayr said...

Patrick, can I get a set for my library? They're wicked good!

Patrick Girouard said...

Gotta wait until Summer 2013!

Amber said...

Hi Mr. Girouard, now that it's approaching Summer 2013, how do we get copies of these great illustrations? I've looked through the iRead website and can't locate some of your designs. I did find the Eiffel Tower in post card size, but couldn't find it larger, or any of the others in poster size. Your help would be appreciated!

Unknown said...

superbe, bravo!

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy of these for my school library.